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Bullock's Oriole (Icterus bullockii)
French: Oriole de Bullock German: Bullocktrupial Spanish: Turpial de Bullock
Other common names: Northern Oriole (when lumped with I. galbula)
Taxonomy: Xanthornus Bullockii Swainson, 1827, “Table land” [of Mexico] = Temascáltepec, México State, Mexico.
DNA data indicate that present species is sister to I. pustulatus. In the past usually treated as conspecific with I. galbula and I. abeillei. Hybridizes extensively with former in a belt from S Canada (Alberta and Saskatchewan) S in Great Plains to S USA (Oklahoma and Texas), but assortative mating (or selection against hybrids) evident at several locations. Smaller race parvus possibly not worthy of recognition, and size difference within species apparently clinal; retained pending further study. Proposed race eleutherus (from N Texas, in S USA), supposedly more orange than nominate, considered to fall within range of variation of latter. Two subspecies tentatively recognized.
Subspecies and Distribution
I. b. bullockii (Swainson, 1827) – breeds SW Canada (from S British Columbia, S Alberta and SW Saskatchewan) S in W USA (except C California S to W Arizona) to N Mexico (Sonora, Chihuahua and Coahuila); winters C Mexico S to C Guatemala.
I. b. parvus van Rossem, 1945 – breeds SW USA (from C California, S Nevada and W Arizona) S to NW Mexico (extreme N Baja California and extreme NW Sonora); winter range uncertain. |