Nine-banded Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) {!--아홉띠아르마딜로--> From: sunfr8r
Subject: Armadillo
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 20:51:38 GMT
The nine banded armadillo is a fairly recent arrival in Florida...I
never remember seeing them in the 60's (Come to think of it...I don't
remember seeing much of anything in the 60's....)but now they are common
sights both alive and dead, and rival the possum as roadkill....They
have a most unfortunate instinct of jumping straight into the air when
alarmed which might account for there high body count...These fellows
are sniffing out a meal....They appear to be enjoying it...I wonder if
we might be missing out on something here......