[Animal Art - Maynard Reece] Blue-winged Teal family (Anas discors) {!--푸른날개발구지--> From: Cameo Rose
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.pictures.animals
Subject: Waterfowl 1 - cr_MaynardReece001.jpg
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 06:56:20 -0800
I have 32 paintings by Maynard Reece scanned. They were scanned a long
time ago. I'll post 16 today and 16 tomorrow. Hope they are enjoyed.
1971, oil on canvas
Once the hen has moved her brood from the nesting site to a secluded
pothole, she will stay in this spot for some time. The drakes often
leave their hens during incubation and join other drakes.