[Animal Art - Francis D.] Northern Raccoon (Procyon lotor) {!--아메리카너구리--> From: sammy@gato.cat.inc (muskrat)
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.pictures.artpics
Subject: FrancisD_RacoonMaze_fss.jpg
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 21:51:53 GMT
All I can say about this scanning is
that it is very time consuming and that
Photoshop is like learning Greek.
I have no idea how I managed to actually
get a border on this. And the colours,
especially the logs, are no way near the
picture I'm looking at...but I'm so weary
looking at this raccoon, that this is as good
as he's getting. LOL
I always appreciated scanners, but now
even moreso. As for the artists...what can
I possibly say. :-)
(I'm sure getting back on a horse you've
just fallen off is much easier).
Francis D. - Racoon Maze