Rock Dove (Columba livia) {!--집비둘기--> From the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's online digital media library.
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Title: Rock Dove
Alternative Title: Columba livia
Creator: Karney, Lee
Source: WO-Lee Karney-6191
Publisher: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Language: EN - ENGLISH
Rights: (public domain)
Audience: (general)
Subject: Pigeon, Dove,Birds, Bird
Table Of Contents: The wild rock dove nests on cliffs in Eurasia and North Africa. Its semi-domesticated descendant the so-called pigeon, has found buildings sufficiently like the ancestral habitat to have become one of the most abundant birds in our cities. Their numbers are much greated than they would be if they were not fed by well meaning citizens.
Abstract: The highly variable city pigeon; multicolored forms were developed over centuries of near domestication. The birds most closely resembling their wild ancestors have head and neck darker than back, black bars on inner wing, white rump, black band at end of tail.
Date Issued: March 26 2004