[Animal Art - Kitchen Bert] American Beaver dam (Castor canadensis) {!--캐나다비버--> From: giraffe@longneck.inc (giraffe~⇔)
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.pictures.artpics
Subject: Re: Critters - KitchenBert_AndSoTheyBuild12-iej.jpg
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 03:18:19 GMT
>*From a educational book for children
>*And So They Build
>*Written & illustrated by Bert Kitchen
>*ISBN 1-56402-502-0
Beavers seek a safe home for their family...
and so they build.
Beavers live in North America, Europe, and northern
Asia, and are famous for their building skills.
They use sticks, stones, and roots to build a dam
across a slow-moving stream or river, filling in the
gaps with finer vegetation, reeds, and mud or clay to
make it watertight. The structure may also be anchored
downstream with tree trunks and boulders.
The dam creates an artificial lake within which the
beavers can build their lodge - a cone-shaped woodpile
hollowed out to form a living chamber with one or more
underwater tunnels leading into it.
The walls are lined with mud, and the roof left more
loosely built to let in air. A whole beaver family will
live in the lodge, safely protected from predators.