Re: Looking For Penguin Pictures - Yellow-eyed Penguins (Megadyptes antipodes) Trying again - first post arrived truncated/damaged
at other news server - also corrected spelling error
Steven wrote:
> I have a website that deals with penguins, among other things, I'm
>looking to collect as many pictures of these waddling wonders as
>possible. If you have a penguin photo (orginal, not someone elses), I'd
>be glad to post it, and give you full credit. My site is a personal
>page, and penguins are one of my favorite birds. Visit the page, and if
>you like it, drop me an email. Thanks.
These are a few pictures of Yelloweyed Penguins (Megadyptes antipodes)
going ashore at a beach on the Otago Peninsula near Dunedin,
New Zealand and climbing up a steep sandy slope to their nests
in the forest above (no picture of that, sorry). They were at quite a
long distance, so the size and resolution are limited.
Picture made on 16-dec-1993.
Martin Kramer
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