European peacock butterfly (Aglais io) English: Peacock butterfly (Aglais io) on blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) Otmoor RSPB reserve, Oxfordshire
বাংলা: প্রজাপতি
Español: Mariposa pavo real (Aglais io), sobre un endrino en la reserva RSPB de Otmoor, Oxfordshire, Inglaterra.
Français : Un paon du jour (Aglais io), nymphalidé européen commun.
Português: Borboleta-pavão (Aglais io), sobre um ramo de abrunheiro na reserva natural de Otmoor, Oxfordshire, Inglaterra.
Українська: Метелик сонцевик (Aglais io) на терені в заповіднику Отмур, Оксфордшир, Англія.
Deutsch: Tagpfauenauge (Aglais io) auf Schlehdorn im Naturschutzgebiet von Otmoor (Otmoor RSPB reserve) in der Grafschaft Oxfordshire..
Date 16 March 2014, 13:00:59
Source Own work, from Sharp Photography,
Author Charlesjsharp
The European peacock or simply the peacock butterfly (Aglais io, formerly Inachis io) is a colourful butterfly, found in Europe and temperate Asia as far east as Japan. The peacock butterfly is resident in much of its range, often wintering in buildings or trees. It therefore often appears quite early in spring.