Australian Magpie with missing top beak This Australian magpie has lived near us (Adelaide, South Australia) since it was born about 6 months ago. When we first saw it, it's bottom beak was broken, and it's top beak was severely damaged and crooked. After a few weeks, the top beak was missing completely, and we could see his pink inner nostrils. Over time, the pink has given way to darker flesh. He eats worm shaped mince meat, with insectivore mix, by stabbing the pieces we give him with his bottom beak, and tossing them up and catching them. He manages to catch about 3 in every 4 tosses. He comes around about 4 times a day. I'd like to stop feeding him, but I doubt he could find enough to eat on his won, although he behaves like regular magpies, running around on the lawn, and stabbing the grass trying to get insects.