Akun eagle owl (Bubo leucostictus) One of the smaller eagle owl species, the Akun eagle owl’s head and upperparts are predominantly dark to reddish-brown, with a patterning of pale, dusky brown bars on the wings and back, and white markings around the shoulders. The head is distinctively crowned with two large ear tufts, which are dark brown with white spots, while the large, round eyes are pale yellow. The upper breast is light reddish-brown and marked with dark bars, while the rest of the underparts are white, with reddish-brown vermiculations and large blackish spots. In contrast to the adult, the juvenile Akun eagle owl has a whitish head and body, with reddish-brown barring and brown wings and tail. Although the Akun eagle owl’s usual call is a low, accelerating, cluck-like rattle, when alarmed it produces an unusual quacking sound.