North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) Description
Otter (Lutra canadensis syn. Lontra canadensis)
Title: Familiar life in field and forest; the animals, birds, frogs, and salamanders
Year: 1898 (1890s)
Authors: Mathews, F. Schuyler (Ferdinand Schuyler), 1854-1938 Underwood, William Lyman, phot
Text Appearing After Image:
The Otter. the Adirondack wilderness, the northern shore ofLake Superior, and Bayfield, Wisconsin. In the 156 FAMILIAR LIFE IN FIELD AND FOREST. South he is common in the wilds of Tennessee,North Carolina, and West Yirginia. The otter is amphibious in the largest sense of theword; he can remain under water as long as a loon,and can swim a quarter of a mile without reappearingat the surface. His prey generally consists of fish andcrayfish, but he also has a taste for frogs, muskrats,wild duck, and poultry. He is an expert swimmer:he can overtake almost any fish, not excepting thetrout, of which he is very fond, and in captivity he ispartial to boiled beef. Dr. Merriam also says he isremarkably fond of crayfish (Camharus), incrediblequantities of which he destroys during the summer. Otters are most restless creatures, traveling fromlake to lake and river to river, and pursuing either acontinuous or a devious course, u just as it happens. *They travel great distances in winter,
Date 1898
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Author Internet Archive Book Images
The North American river otter (Lontra canadensis), also known as the northern river otter or the common otter, is a semiaquatic mammal endemic to the North American continent found in and along its waterways and coasts. An adult river otter can weigh between 5.0 and 14 kg. The river otter is protected and insulated by a thick, water-repellent coat of fur.