Pachygrapsus marmoratus (marbled rock crab) Description
Deutsch: Quadratkrabben Pachygrapsus marmoratus, weiblich. Aufgenommen bei Sewastopol, Schwarzes Meer.
English: Marbled rock crab (Pachygrapsus marmoratus), female. This crab running over rock with a sea algae in surf zone. The Black sea.
Français : Un crabe marbré Pachygrapsus marmoratus femelle. Mer noire.
Latina: Pachygrapsus marmoratus (Fabricius, 1793)
Українська: Мармуровий краб, самиця. Чорне море
Русский: Мраморный краб, самка. Чёрное море
Date 6 August 2009, 10:18:22
Photographer George Chernilevsky
Pachygrapsus marmoratus is a species of crab, sometimes called the marbled rock crab or marbled crab, which lives in the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and parts of the Atlantic Ocean. It is dark violet brown, with yellow marbling, and with a body up to 36 millimetres long. It is an omnivore, feeding on algae and various animals including mussels and limpets.