Bolivian river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis boliviensis or Inia boliviensis) Description
English: « Inia boliviensis » = Inia geoffrensis boliviensis (Subspecies of Amazon river dolphin)
Français: « Inia boliviensis » = Inia geoffrensis boliviensis (Sous-espèce de Boto)
Date 1847
Source Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale
Author Alcide Dessalines d'Orbigny (d 1857)
The Bolivian river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis boliviensis), a mammal, is a subspecies of the Amazon river dolphin. Although older publications and some recent publications consider the I. g. boliviensis population as distinct species from Inia geoffrensis, much of the scientific community, including the IUCN, consider them to be a subspecies of Inia geoffrensis. Current classification, therefore, considers them a single species, Inia geoffrensis, in the genus Inia, with three recognized subspecies. However, in 2012 the Society for Marine Mammalogy began considering the Bolivian (Inia geoffrensis boliviensis) and Amazonian (Inia geoffrensis geoffrensis) subspecies as full species Inia boliviensis and Inia geoffrensis. A recent study of mitochondrial DNA sequences gave an estimated time of divergence from I. geoffrensis geoffrensis of 2.9 million years ago, strengthening the argument for separate species status. Order: Artiodactyla, Infraorder: Cetacea, Family: Iniidae, Genus: Inia, Species: I. geoffrensis, Subspecies: Inia geoffrensis boliviensis d'Orbigny, 1834.