jungle crow, large-billed crow (Corvus macrorhynchos) Description Name: Corvus macrorhynchos, Family: Corvidae
English: Jungle crow (Close-up of the head area), Tennōji Park, Osaka.
日本語: ハシブトガラス (頭部)、天王寺公園
Date 26 September 2015, 12:28:00
Author Laitche https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Laitche
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jungle_crow_(Close-up_of_the_head_area),_Tenn%C5%8Dji_Park,_Osaka_II.jpg
The jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos), is a widespread Asian species of crow. It is very adaptable and is able to survive on a wide range of food sources, making it capable of colonizing new areas, due to which it is often considered a nuisance, especially on islands. It has a large bill which is the source of its scientific name macrorhynchos (Ancient Greek for "large beak"), and it is sometimes known by the common names large-billed crow or thick-billed crow. It can also be mistaken for a raven. Johann Georg Wagler first described the species from a holotype obtained from Java in the year 1827. Order: Passeriformes, Family: Corvidae, Species: Corvus macrorhynchos Wagler, 1827.