Anthracocentrus capensis Anthracocentrus capensis, Prioninae, in Namibia. Etym.: anthrakos coal (black), kentron spur (of the pronotum), capensis Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Anthracocentrus capensis White 1853, Acanthophorini, Prioninae
English: Anthracocentrus capensis, Prioninae, in Namibia.
Etym.: anthrakos coal (black), kentron spur (of the pronotum), capensis Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Date 18 January 2005
Author Ursula Franke
Anthracocentrus capensis is a beetle species from the family of longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae). The scientific name of the species was first published in 1853 by White. Order: Coleoptera, Family: Cerambycidae, Subfamily: Prioninae.