Mediterranean fanworm, pencil worm (Sabella spallanzanii) Description
English: Sabellid worm Spirographis spallanzanii (=Sabella spallanzanii)
Date 26 July 2004, 15:25
Source Sabella sallanzanii
Author Anders Finn Jørgensen from Copenhagen, Denmark
Sabella spallanzanii is a species of marine polychaete worms in the family Sabellidae. Common names include the Mediterranean fanworm, the feather duster worm, the European fan worm and the pencil worm. It is native to shallow waters in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It has spread to various other parts of the world and is included on the Global Invasive Species Database. The species' name commemorates the 18th-century biologist Lazzaro Spallanzani. Order: Canalipalpata, Suborder: Sabellida, Family: Sabellidae.
Corallina tubularia-melitensis Ellis, 1755
Sabella penicillus Linnaeus, 1767
Serpula penicillus Linnaeus, 1758
Spirographis spallanzanii (Viviani, 1805)
Tubularia spallanzanii Gmelin, 1791