중국표범(north chinese leopard) 중국표범(Panthera Pardus japonensis)
영명 : North Chinese Leopard or Chinese Leopard
Endangered due to illegal hunting. Habitat distruction and loss of prey species. Larger then the Asian leopard, their spots and rosettes are smaller in size and spaced closer together and sometimes even having a spot within the rosettes, rarely seen in the Leopard subspecies but common in the Jaguar. Their fur is generally longer and darker in color. Liveing up to 20 years in captivity.
Location : Northern China. From Sichuan to southern China and north to Beijing.
길림성 일대에 4~7마리의 표범이 서식하는 것으로 추정된다고 한다. 또 흑룡강성 일대에는 직접적인 표범 흔적은 찾지 못했지만 3~5마리의 표범이 서식하는 것으로 추정되었다.