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Feral Cat - Bengal kitten (Felis silvestris catus) {!--고양이,벵골 품종--> latin dict size=94   common dict size=405
이미지 정보 Original File Name: More Pebbles10-Bengal_Domestic_Cat.jpg Resolution: 490x758 File Size: 73152 Bytes Upload Time: 2004:10:26 11:51:48
올린이 이름 (메일주소): Unknown
사진 제목 Feral Cat - Bengal kitten (Felis silvestris catus) {!--고양이,벵골 품종-->

Feral Cat - Bengal kitten (Felis silvestris catus) {!--고양이,벵골 품종-->; Image ONLY
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Feral Cat - Bengal kitten (Felis silvestris catus) {!--고양이,벵골 품종-->

From: PontiacV8@BTInternet.com (PontiacV8)
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.pictures.animals
Subject: Kitty Critters - MorePebbles10.jpg (82.48 KB)
Date: 1 Sep 1999 20:22:22 GMT

More Pix of my trio of trouble.
Personal use only. Please ask before reposting.
The answer will probably be yes, but it's nice to be asked.

From: PontiacV8
Subject: More Pics of my trio......

Hiya all!

I have dug out some more pix of my trio dating back to June and July. I
didn't get round to taking any more over the weekend, but I will soon. I
get sidetracked far too often, and STILL havn't completed the Wildlife
on Easy St. scans that I promised weeks ago. I havn't forgotten, just
got one more carosel to do.

On a technical front, they were all taken using a Canon EOS-1 35mm
camera on Kodachrome 200 slide film (K14 process). They were digitized
onto Photo CD, before being reduced in size, as requested, for posting

Meantime, enjoy. Questions or comments, you know how to reach me.

Yours. Pont.

Visit the Pont websites dedicated to kitties.

My own trio of trouble at - http://www.BTinternet.com/~pontiacV8
Big cat pix, mpegs, wavs etc at - http://www.350bhp.freeserve.co.uk

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