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Felis silvestris

Wild cat

The domestic cat is very strong and muscular for its size. The average height of an adult cat is about 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 centimeters) at the shoulders. All cats have long powerful bodies and rounded heads with triangular ears. All but two breeds have a long tail, approximately 3/4 the length of the body. The tail is an extension of the backbone and is used for balance. In addition, cats have true fur; that is, they have both an undercoat as well as an outer coat. Coat length and colors vary depending on the breed. Although most coat colors vary among 30 different breeds, domestic cats are usually black, gray, yellow, white, or tabby, which is dark stripes or swirls on a paler background.

Domestic cats have five toes on each of their forepaws, but only four toes on each back paw. In addition, females have four pairs of mammae. Cats have claws that can be drawn back into their paws when not in use.

Cats have a well developed sense of smell and hearing. The ears of a cat can rotate rapidly to identify the source of a particular sound and are able to respond to frequencies up to 25,000 vibrations per second. Due to this ability cats can hear even ultrasonic noises made by small rodents. This sometimes allows them to locate and capture prey without even seeing it. (Encyclopedia Americana, 1998)

Their sight is good but probably not exceeding the capabilities of humans. The range of colors seen by cats is smaller than the human range. The eyes of cats are located on the front of the head. Although this allows them to have excellent depth perception, a useful tool in hunting, cats cannot see directly under their noses. They also have the ability to see the slightest movement, helping them locate prey. Their eyes are adapted for vision in dim light for hunting just after dusk or before dawn.

The teeth in cats are very specialized. The canines are excellent for stabbing and holding prey as the upper ones point almost straight down and the lower ones are curved. The molars are specialized for cutting. Since the cats lack any teeth for crushing, they eat their food by slicing it. The tongue is covered with tiny, curved projections called papillae. These are used for grooming and licking meat off bones.

Another notable feature that cats have are whiskers or vibrissae. Whiskers are special hairs that are used as highly sensitive touch organs. A cat uses its whiskers to determine if their bodies can fit through small openings such as small pipes, cans, and other various objects. They also use them to detect the movement of prey.

Although cats have whiskers, they lack eyelashes. They have a full inner eyelid, or nictitating membrane, which serves as protection from dryness and damage to the eye. (World Book Encyclopedia, 1986, Encyclopedia Britannica, 1989)

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