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Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) {!--큰돌고래(병코돌고래)--> latin dict size=10   common dict size=482
이미지 정보 Original File Name: Bottlenosed Dolphins-Art.jpg Resolution: 715x715 File Size: 32578 Bytes Upload Time: 2005:10:23 23:50:33
올린이 이름 (메일주소): Unknown
사진 제목 Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) {!--큰돌고래(병코돌고래)-->

Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) {!--큰돌고래(병코돌고래)-->; Image ONLY
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Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) {!--큰돌고래(병코돌고래)-->

From: "신택상"
Newsgroups: han.binaries.photo
Subject: 돌고래
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 1997 23:12:55 +0900

From: fphillips@intellex.com
File To Comment: animal7/Stdol01-Striped Dolphin-Flight.jpg

the photos of the striped dolphins are not striped dolphins at all.
one photo is a bottlenose dolphin one is a spinner dolphin and
one is a photo of striped dolphins and that is the one with the
2 dolphins leaping.

sdangeleyes_1993@yahoo.com Delete
make a folder of animals!!
손님 Delete
Scientific Name: Tursiops truncatus (Montagu, 1821)
Common Names:
English – Common Bottlenose Dolphin, Bottlenose Dolphin, Bottle-nosed Dolphin, Bottlenosed Dolphin
French – Grand dauphin, Dauphin souffleur, Souffleur, Tursiops
Spanish – Delfín Mular, Pez Mular, Tursión
Tursiops gephyreus Lahille, 1908
Tursiops gilli Dall, 1873
Tursiops nuuanu Andrews, 1911
Taxonomic Notes: All bottlenose dolphins around the world were previously recognized as T. truncatus, but recently the genus has been split into two species: T. truncatus and T. aduncus (the smaller Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin).
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