Braconid Wasp cocoons (Cotesia congregata) {!--고치벌류의 고치--> cotesia
Insecta (Hexapoda) > Hymenoptera > Braconidae
Cotesia congregata (Say)
Host: tobacco hornworm
Manduca sexta (Linnaeus)
Photographer: R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Slide Set, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
Contact: J. Michael Moore, The University of Georgia
Descriptor: Cocoon(s)
Description: This important parasitic wasp is a major factor in limiting hornworm numbers and damage, particularly late in the season. The tiny black wasp lays eggs in hornworms. Parasitized hornworms may be recognized by their shortened stubby horns. When these worms are broken open, the tiny, white parasitic larvae can be seen. When they complete their development, the parasites spin white, egg-shaped cocoons on the hornworm’s back. Parasitized hornworms damage tobacco much less and usually remain on the plant for a shorter time than normal hornworms.
Image Citation:
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Slide Set, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,
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