Korean Bird - Swan Goose J01 Foraging in muddy shore (개리) Swan Goose
Anser cygnoides
Korean Name: 개리
Swan goose is the ancestor of domestic goose.
Photo by Tae-Kyun Kwon
Scanned from a magazine for children "Kachi"(Nov. 1993),
which means black-billed magpie in Korean.
Enjoy it.
This is the first swan goose pic I've been able to find either in books
or on the Web that shows (or looks like it shows) them going about their
business in their natural habitat. It gives that impression anyway. I've
always wanted to observe them in their natural habitat and, above all,
see a flock of them take off, or see groups splitting off at migration
time, making up their minds to fly, etc. They're supposed to have a
more "sonorous" call than the other kinds of wild geese, and it would be
exciting. (I have 3 and would like to hear from anyone who has
unpinioned ones or knows where they could be observed).
Anyway, thanks for making the picture available.