Stone Crab? {!--게--> Personal or educational Use Only
Captured from
"Earth's Endangered Environments",
National Geographic Society, 1994
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 17:19:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Mislabeled crab
To whom it may concern;
While searching for a reference photo of a blue crab,
two photos came up in my search.
The first, a bucketful of crabs containing a whole bunch
of blue crabs.
The second photo, a single crab in a photo with the name
of a blue swamp crab.
A call to the Coastal Fisheries DNR office revealed that
their is no such crab as a blue swamp crab.
When questioned about the name, the DNR representative
thought it was most likely a vernacular for a Big Jimmy,
or a male of a Blue Crab. Although the photo is most
likely a Stone Crab.
I don't claim to be an expert on crabs, but I caught a
bunch of crap amongst my peers for trying to pass it off
as a blue crab.
This is not done to be spiteful just informative. Please
respond at your convenience.
Drew Martin
Graphic Journalist