Who can identify this one? Hello,
I made a picture of this black with white dots (lady-?)bug on the Sint
Pietersberg on July 29th this year near the border between Holland and
Belgium at Maastricht. For size you can compare the 'normal' 7-dot
ladybug sitting in the same picture near the b&w-one. Does anyone have a
clue to its name and rarity or distribution? I've searched all
insect-books I own but I can't find it.
Thanks in advance, Eduardo Sabal
free Nature Pictures,
I have no idea what species it is, but some ladybug species have
color variations that may not all be listed in your books.
Maybe the dot pattern gives a clue, but otherwise
you might consult a professional from some university
or accept that you will never know what species it is.
Martin Kramer
Two things concerning this picture.
a- Martin Kramer just commented on it but the picture was taken by me
and not by him; please correct this.
b- on the subject of the unidentified one i've consulted the foremost expert
in Holland on ladybugs and was informed that it is a rare form of
Propylea quatuordecimpunctata (14-dotted Ladybug).
Greetings, Eduardo Sabal