Tropical fish series - Fish07.jpg [01/01] From: (Andy Druda)
Subject: Tropical fish series *READ*
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 96 18:17:23 GMT
Since Anders Simonsson asked for fish and while the quality of these may only
be fair to good, I may as well let the "cat" (ahem) out of the bag about my
next "series". YES! It is tropical fish. I posted the first 10 here. I will
post more as I scan a clean them.
From: phoby
File To Comment: animal5/TropicalFish07-WhiteLinedLongFish.jpg
looks like a cleaner wrasse.
From: mkramer@wxs,nl
File To Comment: animal5/TropicalFish07-Cleaner_Wrasse-closeup.jpg
This sure looks like a cleaner wrasse, but I think
(when looking at the mouth of the fish)
it might be some Cleaner Mimic, a kind of blenny that
looks like a cleaner but bites pieces of fins and scales
of thier misleaded hosts. Could be the
bluestriped fangblenny (Plagiotremus rhinorhynchus)
Lying on the substrate is also more blennylike than
wrasse-like behaviour.