Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) {!--무지개진홍앵무(오색청해앵무,오색사랑앵무)--> From: john286@ix.netcom.com (john)
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.pictures.misc
Subject: Damn the Spam. Misc. Animals - anim25.jpg (1/1)
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 1997 20:21:26 GMT
From: john.whitson@compaq.com
File To Comment: animal6/anim25-Green Parrot-Red Chest-Blue Head.jpg
This is a Rainbow Lorikeet (Triglossus haematodus spp.). It may or may not be
a member of the type subspecies (T. haematodus haematodus), I am not sure,
since my key isn't with me here. These are members of the Loriidae, the
bristle-tongued parrots, and make great (if messy) pets.