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2700x1800 (626kb)
Common Gull (Larus canus)
Common Gull (Larus canus)
1720x2777 (1.7mb)
russet-tailed thrush (Zoothera heinei)
russet-tailed thrush (Zoothera heinei)
1526x1562 (435kb)
black-capped tanager (Tangara heinei)
black-capped tanager (Tangara heinei)
1736x2252 (2.7mb)
beryl-spangled tanager (Tangara nigroviridis)
beryl-spangled tanager (Tangara nigroviridis)
2632x2168 (4.7mb)
Black-speckled Palm Pitviper (Bothriechis nigroviridis)
Black-speckled Palm Pitviper (Bothriechis nigroviridis)
2816x1880 (1.8mb)
Spotted green pufferfish (Tetraodon nigroviridis)
Spotted green pufferfish (Tetraodon nigroviridis)
2101x1669 (1.5mb)
Allen's swamp monkey (Allenopithecus nigroviridis)
Allen's swamp monkey (Allenopithecus nigroviridis)
3510x2550 (5.3mb)
kipunji, highland mangabey (Rungwecebus kipunji)
kipunji, highland mangabey (Rungwecebus kipunji)
2723x1787 (2.3mb)
grey-cheeked mangabey (Lophocebus albigena)
grey-cheeked mangabey (Lophocebus albigena)
3150x2615 (3.6mb)
black crested mangabey (Lophocebus aterrimus)
black crested mangabey (Lophocebus aterrimus)
1762x2289 (663kb)
agile mangabey (Cercocebus agilis), black crested mangabey (Lophocebus aterrimus)
agile mangabey (Cercocebus agilis), black crested mangabey (Lophocebus aterrimus)
1000x667 (126kb)
lesser white-toothed shrew (Crocidura suaveolens)
lesser white-toothed shrew (Crocidura suaveolens)
960x686 (372kb)
Cinderella waxbill (Estrilda thomensis)
Cinderella waxbill (Estrilda thomensis)
2747x1832 (1.3mb)
black guillemot, tystie (Cepphus grylle)
black guillemot, tystie (Cepphus grylle)
3072x2304 (1.5mb)
spectacled guillemot, sooty guillemot (Cepphus carbo)
spectacled guillemot, sooty guillemot (Cepphus carbo)
3660x2500 (1.8mb)
pigeon guillemot (Cepphus columba)
pigeon guillemot (Cepphus columba)
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