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흰닭(백자보) Gallus gallus domesticus (Domestic Chicken)
흰닭(백자보) Gallus gallus domesticus (Domestic Chicken)
2268x1512 (316kb)
흰닭(백자보) Gallus gallus domesticus (Domestic Chicken)
흰닭(백자보) Gallus gallus domesticus (Domestic Chicken)
2268x1512 (316kb)
은계(銀鷄) Chrysolophus amherstiae (Lady Amherst's Pheasant)
은계(銀鷄) Chrysolophus amherstiae (Lady Amherst's Pheasant)
2268x1512 (328kb)
은계(銀鷄) Chrysolophus amherstiae (Lady Amherst's Pheasant)
은계(銀鷄) Chrysolophus amherstiae (Lady Amherst's Pheasant)
2268x1512 (184kb)
금계(金鷄) Chrysolophus pictus (Golden Pheasant)
금계(金鷄) Chrysolophus pictus (Golden Pheasant) [1]
2268x1512 (258kb)
이름모를 꿩종류 --> 황금계(黃金鷄) Chrysolophus pictus (Yellow Golden Pheasant juvenile)
이름모를 꿩종류 --> 황금계(黃金鷄) Chrysolophus pictus (Yellow Golden Pheasant juvenile) [2]
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인도공작(印度孔雀) Pavo cristatus (Blue Indian Peafowl)
인도공작(印度孔雀) Pavo cristatus (Blue Indian Peafowl)
2268x1512 (389kb)
백한 Lophura nycthemera (Silver Pheasant)
백한 Lophura nycthemera (Silver Pheasant)
3024x2016 (775kb)
멧비둘기 Streptopelia orientalis (Oriental Turtle Dove)
멧비둘기 Streptopelia orientalis (Oriental Turtle Dove)
3024x2016 (338kb)
까치 Pica pica (Black-billed Magpie)
까치 Pica pica (Black-billed Magpie)
3024x2016 (836kb)
까치 Pica pica (Black-billed Magpie)
까치 Pica pica (Black-billed Magpie)
3024x2016 (849kb)
집비둘기 Columba livia var. domestica (Domestic Pigeon)
집비둘기 Columba livia var. domestica (Domestic Pigeon)
3024x2016 (434kb)
쇠박새 Parus palustris (Marsh Tit)
쇠박새 Parus palustris (Marsh Tit)
3024x2016 (452kb)
쇠박새 Parus palustris (Marsh Tit)
쇠박새 Parus palustris (Marsh Tit)
3024x2016 (310kb)
쇠박새 Parus palustris (Marsh Tit)
쇠박새 Parus palustris (Marsh Tit)
3024x2016 (291kb)
쇠박새 Parus palustris (Marsh Tit)
쇠박새 Parus palustris (Marsh Tit)
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