Animal Movie Poster The Lost World (1925)
The Lost World (1925)
Resolution: 966x1500
Description | The Lost World is a 1925 silent fantasy adventure film and an adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle's 1912 novel of the same name. The movie was produced by First National Pictures, a large Hollywood studio at the time, and stars Wallace Beery as Professor Challenger. This version was directed by Harry O. Hoyt and featured pioneering stop motion special effects by Willis O'Brien (an invaluable warm up for his work on the original King Kong directed by Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack). Writer Doyle appears in a frontspiece to the film.
Explorer Professor Challenger is taking quite a beating in the London press thanks to his claim that living dinosaurs exist in the far reaches of the Amazon. Newspaper reporter Edward Malone learns that this claim originates from a diary given to him by fellow explorer Maple White's daughter, Paula. Malone's paper funds an expedition to rescue Maple White, who has been marooned at the top of a high plateau. Joined by renowned hunter John Roxton, and others, the group goes to South America, where they do indeed find a plateau inhabited by pre-historic creatures, one of which they even manage to bring back to London with them. | Tags | The Lost World, 1925, Harry O. Hoyt, Wallace Beery, Bessie Love, Lloyd Hughes, Lewis Stone, Alma Bennett, Miss Bessie Love, Mr. Lewis Stone, Mr. Wallace Beery, Mr. Lloyd Hughes, Miss Alma Bennett, Arthur Hoyt, Mr. Arthur Hoyt, Margaret McWade, Miss Margaret McWade, Bull Montana, Mr. Bull Montana, Frank Finch Smiles, Mr. Finch Smiles, Jules Cowles, Mr. Jules Cowles, George Bunny, Mr. George Bunny, Charles Wellesley, Mr. Charles Wellsley, Jocko the Monkey, Jocko, Arthur Conan Doyle, animal film, monster, dinosaur | Out-Links | IMDB - The Lost World (1925)
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